Saturday, September 29, 2007

Let Lavender Help - an introduction to The Lavender Series

Lavender is a wonderful herb with an incredible ability to help in an emergency, such as a serious burn, or with just the aggravations of everyday life such as mosquito bites, headaches, or sinus problems as well as a huge variety of other problems. It can save you a trip to the Emergency Room in some situations, or just help you to relax.
Lavender is also inexpensive, works quickly, and has a wonderful scent. This truly diverse, wonderful herb is available in many easy to use products such as us:
Lavender Soap
Lavender Creams
Lavender Lotions
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender Dried Herbs.
What could be easier than using soap? Or a cream or lotion? That's how easy it can be to get started using lavender. It's also very easy to find these Lavender based products; most of them are probably in the stores you already shop at. Supermarkets, drug stores, department stores, discount stores, and even your local dollar store will usually have at least one of these lavender based products. What you can't find locally will be easily found online.
My Lavender Series will be covering some of the many ways that lavender can help you and your family to make life easier and more pleasant in simple, inexpensive ways.
Most of the series will be based on my own personal experiences and discoveries of what works for me and what didn't.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Relief For Mouth Pain After Dental Work

Years ago I had a lot of dental work done and was told by my dentist , who was a very kind, down to earth man, to use a tea bag for pain relief when the novocaine wore off.
At home a few hours later, the pain became intense, motivating me to try it. It worked, and quickly, and though it wasn't fun to stuff a tea bag into my mouth - well, the pain was even less fun, so the tea bag won.
Here's what to do : make a cup of tea, let it steep till it looks strong enough, then let it cool, you don't want to burn your mouth; if you are doing this you already have enough pain. Put the tea bag into your mouth in the area where the pain is.
Since it tended to gag me I also tried sloshing sips of the tea on the sore side of my mouth and
holding it as long as I could. This also helped but not as much as the whole tea bag.
That's it. Short and simple.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dealing With Restless Leg Syndrome

This is an awful thing to have , of course if you have it you already know this. There are just such unbearable, weird feelings in your legs (and possibly your feet) that are indescribable. It is impossible to relax, let alone sleep, and there is an uncontrollable, constant urge to keep moving your legs.
When you have to suffer through this night after night you begin to dread bedtime because it signals the beginning of your nightly torture and it seems that nothing helps. A warm bath, massaging your legs, aromatherapy lotions that are supposed to relax you; I tried them all and found little, if any, relief. The next logical step is a visit to your doctor. There must be some cure for this, right? Well, there is a drug routinely prescribed for this but it has some side effects. If you think the symptoms in your legs are weird just imagine what living with the "possible" side effects of this drug would be like. Are you ready for this? Uncontrollable sexual urges which may lead to sexual promiscuity, and /or an uncontrollable urge to gamble among other things. I'm not making this up. A commercial for this drug, which, for obvious reasons, I won't name, is aired regularly on TV. I personally find it incredible that a drug like this is allowed on the market and that they actually expect to sell it to people. It has been my experience that when any particular drug is said to have specific "possible" side effects you can probably count on experiencing one or more of them. Do we really want to chance taking taking this? Not me.
Fortunately, I heard about using Ivory soap. You are supposed to put a bar of Ivory in your sheets. Many people have found this worked for them. Naturally I immediately tried it. It didn't work. I don't know why it does for some people but didn't for me. I thought maybe it takes time, tried it again the next night, and the next. A week later , desperate for relief it occurred to me to rub the soap directly onto my skin.I grabbed the Ivory and went over every inch of my legs, feet,and toes. Back, front, sides. I didn't miss an inch. Miracle! The unbearable discomfort was gone and didn't return all night. I was able to relax and sleep.
The next night it all returned, but a few minutes with my new best friend, ( Ivory soap) again brought instant relief. It became a part of my nightly routine and never failed me. OK, it doesn't seem to be a cure, at least nor for me, but it does quickly, easily, safely, and inexpensively bring relief every night. With NO SIDE EFFECTS!
Later on I found that taking a bath before bedtime with Ivory Soap had the same results. I know some women have the symptoms in the daytime, I never did, but I assume the Ivory would work for this too. We're all different so I can't guarantee that my method will work for you if you have this problem but I think it is worth a try.
Thanks To:
E3 Success Blog » Blog Archive » E-3 Carnival of Health and Wellness - January 11, 2008
for including this article in their Carnival.
Blessings, Gilly