Lavender is a wonderful herb with an incredible ability to help in an emergency, such as a serious burn, or with just the aggravations of everyday life such as mosquito bites, headaches, or sinus problems as well as a huge variety of other problems. It can save you a trip to the Emergency Room in some situations, or just help you to relax.
Lavender is also inexpensive, works quickly, and has a wonderful scent. This truly diverse, wonderful herb is available in many easy to use products such as us:
Lavender Soap
Lavender Creams
Lavender Lotions
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender Dried Herbs.
What could be easier than using soap? Or a cream or lotion? That's how easy it can be to get started using lavender. It's also very easy to find these Lavender based products; most of them are probably in the stores you already shop at. Supermarkets, drug stores, department stores, discount stores, and even your local dollar store will usually have at least one of these lavender based products. What you can't find locally will be easily found online.
My Lavender Series will be covering some of the many ways that lavender can help you and your family to make life easier and more pleasant in simple, inexpensive ways.
Most of the series will be based on my own personal experiences and discoveries of what works for me and what didn't.