Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Magic of A New Year's Wish List

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. It's a nice idea but it hardly ever works does it? I prefer to make wish lists. Why? Because they really do get results. I can't remember where or when I first learned about this but it is amazingly easy to do and the results are equally amazing.
Actually, you can start this anytime, but ending or beginning the year with this seems ideal.

On New Year's Eve or New Year's Day get a little notebook and put the date at the top and make a list of things you want. There is no set number - if you come up with nine or fourteen that's fine. Do whatever feels right .

What kind of wishes are appropriate? It can be things you want to happen or things you want to own. It can even be things you want to understand or feel differently about. Anything that is important to you. Small wishes or large, even improbable ones go on your list. I have put things on my lists that seemed impossible, even ridiculous, yet they came true. Some quickly, some not so quickly, and some did take quite a while.

Next step is to forget about it for one month. No peeking at your list, or wondering when it is coming true. No obsessing about it because that cancels it out. If you find yourself thinking about it just shrug it off and think about other things. Seriously, you must have the discipline to leave it alone for the rest of the month or you might as well not bother to do it.

When the month is over, read your list, cross out the wishes that came true, and make another page for the next month carrying over the things that you are still wishing for and adding any new ones. Continue this every month for the next year and next New Year's you will enjoy browsing through your notebook and seeing how many wishes came true for you.
Blessings, Gilly

P.S. Please let me know your results. A happiness shared is doubled.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hi Gilly! This is a great idea, I"m going to try it out. I also don't usually ascribe to resolutions, though I have some things I'd like to accomplish this year. This sounds far nicer and more likely to succeed!
Incidentally, you've been "tagged" on my site, if you'd like to play along, check out

Happy New Year!